The Subatomic Particle Rights League newsletter is a publication that has existed in print form since 1986, consisting mostly of pseudo-scientific satire. It thrived at New Mexico Tech from 1988-1992. The editor, Tom Jones has produced occasional on-line HTML editions, listed below.  You may notice it's been years since the last issue--if you like SPRIL, you can find a great deal more writing by the same author in describing the exploits of Stealth Force Beta and the Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race.

You can also read Dr. Staff's Greatest Hits.

Available issues:

Volume 8 Number 1--March 1, 1993

Volume 8 Number 2--April 1, 1995

Volume 8 Number 3--October 21, 1995

Volume 9 Number 1--February 29, 1996

Dr. Staff's Greatest Hits Tom Jones' Homepage Questions & Comments